
O & M Manual

17 Electrical Distribution
Electrical Distribution System Processes Sub Location Description 1700 General Electrical Distribution…
17 Electrical Distribution
El Estero is powered by a 66KV service from Southern California Edison. The Edison SubStation houses 66KV fuses and switching gear, a 66KV…
17 Electrical Distribution
El Estero's power is distributed to 5 substations and the Aeration System Blowers from the Main Switchgear housed in the SubStation A power…
17 Electrical Distribution
El Estero has redundant power from the 2 MW Generator. The generator is controlled automatically by an ATS adjacent to the main switchgear…
17 Electrical Distribution
Sub Station A powers MCC-2.
17 Electrical Distribution
Sub Station B powers MCC-1, MCC-8, and MCC-10.
17 Electrical Distribution
El Estero is equipped with a secondary emergency generator that feeds individual Emergency Motor Control Centers (EMCC) around the facility…
17 Electrical Distribution
Sub Station C powers MCC-3
17 Electrical Distribution
Sub Station D powers all of the solids handling processes including MCC-4, MCC-5, MCC-6, MCC-7, and MCC-9.
17 Electrical Distribution
The Aeration System Blowers are powered by an individual 4160 breaker located in the Main Switchgear. Two 800 HP Howden and One 450 HP…
17 Electrical Distribution
Sub Station E powers the Distribution Pump Station (MCC-11)
17 Electrical Distribution
El Estero has a Public Private Partnership with California Power Partners to perform Cogeneration using Biogas produced by the Anaerobic…

SOP Content Pages

Because the treatment of wastewater is considered a critical service, it is imperative to have that function continue even with loss of…
Total results: 12 1

Plant Schematic

El Estero Schematic Drawing