OM Manual Notes
OM Manual Landing Page View Setup
- The main view includes all general manual pages and excludes SOP pages.
- The main view is grouped by the process location term added to the manual page. Each group of results is then sort by sublocation and sublocation code
- The main view is set to show 20 results per page
- Using breadcrumb links on a manual page will bring you to the main view pre-filtered by the breadcrumb you clicked on.
- The SOP attachment will list all SOPs at the bottom of the page sorted by SOP identification number.
- The SOP attachment is not affected by the filters or pager for the main view.
General Notes
- Pages can be added to the OM Manual menu from the Structure > Menus interface: https://santabarbaraca.gov/admin/structure/menu/manage/om-manual
- OM manual pages are currently protect by the Shield module. To view a page (even when logged-in) use: waste | water as the username and password. This shield will be disabled when the intranet goes live. Currently any landing pages or basic pages you add to the OM Manual menu should have a URL that starts with /om-manual/. That initial part of the URL is what shield depends on.
- All waste water pages protected from outside (anonymous) viewing—regardless of the Shield module. We have created a view only role you can assign to users to allow them to view the pages for regulatory reasons. Viewers will not be able to access the admin UI or edit anything on the site.
- We have excluded the OM Manual content type from being tracked with metatags. It should also be manually excluded from Google Programmable Search if possible.
- We have added a regular file upload (insecure) and a link you can use for secure files in another system to the OM Manual Content paragraph.
- New Content Labels can be added for the OM Manual Content paragraph by adding new terms to the OM Manual Section taxonomy: https://santabarbaraca.gov/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/om_section/o…. You must be a Site Manager or higher to access that vocabulary.