Primary Clarifier Abnormal Operation
SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
Health & Safety Warnings
Health & Safety Warnings:
- Watch for open tanks, vaults and channels when covers are removed. Install cones at opening if covers are to remain off.
- Watch for rotating equipment.
Signs of abnormal operation include the following:
- Excessive noise or vibration
- Oil or process fluid leaks
- Chain or flight not working
- Lead pump not working
- Excessive floating material
- SCADA alarms
Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:
Operator 1, knowledge of primary treatment process and SCADA controls.
Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools
Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools:
- Valve keys or other tool to open and close valves.
Step 1 takes place in the Operator’s Office
1. Record Data to Operator’s Log Book: Record primary clarifier abnormal operation activities to the log book with other entries for the day. Include the following in the entry:
a. Operator(s) that performed the Primary Abnormal Operation SOP.
b. Conditions of abnormal operation.
c. Troubleshooting activities performed.
d. Correction action taken.
e. Results of troubleshooting and corrective actions taken on abnormal condition.
f. Note the approximate time that the SOP was completed.
g. Note any unusual conditions with flows, levels, odors or other process issues.
h. Note any damage, wear, or required maintenance on equipment.
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports:
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance or attention that is required.
- Collect and analyze samples, if necessary.
Corrective Action Plan
Corrective Action Plan:
Chain and/or flight and/or other systems that make unit inoperable.
- Within two hours, isolate the affected clarifier by closing the influent gates that are associated with that primary clarifier channel and basin.
- If possible, continue to operate the chain and flight, and continue sludge pumping for 2 hours and then drain. If not possible, drain unit immediately.
- Make necessary repairs.
- Wash down the primary clarifier tank after it is drained.
Clarifier overload. No additional clarifiers are available.
- Operate at a higher surface loading than specified.
- Monitor reactor influent for possible high BOS loading. Adjust MLVVS accordingly.
Broken chain or flight.
- Shut clarifier down immediately. Dewater and repair.
Drive motor tripped out.
- Reset. If unit operates correctly for 30 minutes disregard. If motor trips out again, call electrician.
Floating or septic sludge.
- Check calculations for tank detention time. Excessive detention may create this condition.
- Check sludge pumping calculations.
- Check for work flights. Repair or replace, if necessary.
Low suspended solids removal.
- Check calculations for detention time. Low detention could reduce removal efficiency.
Clarifier #1 & #2 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1181B |
Clarifier #2 & #3 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1182B |
Clarifier #3 & #4 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1183B |
Clarifier #4 & #5 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1184B |
Clarifier #5 & #2 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1185B |
Primary Clarifier #1 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1181 |
Primary Clarifier #1 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1181A |
Primary Clarifier #2 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1182 |
Primary Clarifier #2 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1182A |
Primary Clarifier #3 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1183 |
Primary Clarifier #3 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1183A |
Primary Clarifier #4 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1184 |
Primary Clarifier #4 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1184A |
Primary Clarifier #5 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1185 |
Primary Clarifier #5 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1185A |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #1 | 1101MTR1721 |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #2 & #3 | 1101MTR1722 |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #4 & #5 | 1101MTR1723 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #1 | 1101MTR1724 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #2 & #3 | 1101MTR1725 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #4 & #5 | 1101GBX1726 |
Clarifier #1 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677 |
Clarifier #1 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677A |
Clarifier #2 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677B |
Clarifier #2 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677C |
Clarifier #3 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677D |
Clarifier #3 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677E |
Clarifier #4 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677F |
Clarifier #4 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677G |
Clarifier #5 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677H |
Clarifier #5 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677I |
Clarifier #1 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679 |
Clarifier #1 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679A |
Clarifier #2 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679B |
Clarifier #2 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679C |
Clarifier #3 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679D |
Clarifier #3 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679E |
Clarifier #4 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679F |
Clarifier #4 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679G |
Clarifier #5 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679H |
Clarifier #5 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679I |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 | 1102PMP1100 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Suction Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1100 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Discharge Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1100A |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Suction Drain Valve | 1102VLV1679J |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Discharge Drain Valve | 1102VLV1100D |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 | 1102PMP1200 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Suction Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1200 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Discharge Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1200A |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Suction Drain Valve | 1102VLV1679K |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Discharge Drain Valve | 1102VLV1200D |