16 Emergency Recycled Water Bypass Primary & Secondary Systems
Treatment systems at the WWTP use Recycled Water for process and equipment water. In general, this SOP simply involves connecting rubber hoses between an Industrial Water source and a Recycled Water header. The Industrial Water and Recycled Water supply valves are manipulated to direct Industrial Water through the rubber hose and into the Recycled Water piping system.
If for some reason the Distribution Pump Station is offline (pump failure, maintenance, etc.) the Emergency Back-Up Pump can be used to pump Recycled Water to the WWTP systems.
DSPS: Distribution System Pump Station
- Ensure that the correct breaker switch is flipped.
- Water must be available for distribution from the Reservoir.
- Emergency Back-Up Pump must be operational and online.
- Recycled Water piping is easily identified in the field since it is painted purple.
- The Recycled Water Emergency Backup Pump must be operational and online in order for this Bypass SOP to work.
Please note: It is assumed that the DSPS is already offline before this SOP begins.
Steps 1 – 5 can be performed in any order, but all must be complete before starting Step 6.
- Record activity to log book.
- Uninterrupted supply of Recycled Water to the WWTP Primary and Secondary Industrial Water Systems.
- Repair DSPS equipment and put back online.