
16 Emergency Recycled Water Bypass to Plant Use

Treatment systems at the WWTP use Recycled Water for process and equipment water. In general, this SOP simply involves connecting rubber hoses between an Industrial Water source and a Recycled Water header. The Industrial Water and Recycled Water supply valves are manipulated to direct Industrial Water through the rubber hose and into the Recycled Water piping system. 

Systems that require bypass activities include the following:
1.     Sodium Bisulfite System
2.     Blower Cooling Water
3.     Sludge Pump Seal Water
4.     Thickened Sludge System
5.     Washer/Compactors
SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
1603_Emergency Recycled Water Bypass to Plant Use
Purpose and scope
Purpose and scope:

If for some reason the Distribution Pump Station is offline (pump failure, maintenance, etc.) the Emergency Back-Up Pump can be used to pump Recycled Water to the WWTP sytems.


DSPS:  Distribution System Pump Station

  • Ensure that the correct breaker switch is flipped.
  • Water must be available for distribution from the Reservoir.
  • Emergency Back-Up Pump must be operational and online.
  • Recycled Water piping is easily identified in the field since it is painted purple.
Potential Interferences
Potential Interferences:
  • The Recycled Water Emergency Backup Pump must be operational and online in order for this Bypass SOP to work.
Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:

Operator I, knowledge of primary treatment process and SCADA controls.

Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure:

Please note: It is assumed that the DSPS is already offline before this SOP begins. 

Steps 1 – 5 can be performed in any order, but all must be complete before starting Step 6.

1.     Bypass Industrial Water at Sodium Bisulfite SystemThis step is much easier if two people work on it. Place one person downstairs at the Truck Unloading Station and a second person upstairs at the Chlorine Contact Channel deck.
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Industrial Water supply pipe and hose bib near the Truck Unloading Station Eye Wash.
c.     Locate the Recycled Water hose bib on the west side of the Chlorine Contact Chamber deck. 
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water source hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings.
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve {tag no.1602VLV6280}.   Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water hose bib valve.
g.     Close the Recycled Water isolation valve {tag no.1603VLV6279}. The Sodium Bisulfite System is now running on Industrial Water 
2.     Bypass Industrial Water at Blower System
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Industrial Water supply pipe and hose bibon the northwest wall of the Blower Room.
c.     Locate the Recycled Water hose bib at the Blower skid. 
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water source hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings. 
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve. Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water hose bib valve.
g.     Close the Recycled Water isolation valve. The Blower Cooling Water System is now running on Industrial Water.

3.     Bypass Industrial Water at Sludge Pump Room
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Recycled Water supply pipeand hose bib on the northwest wall of the Sludge Pump Room.
c.     Locate the Industrial Water hose bib at Gallery #6. 
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water Source hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings. 
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve. Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water Hose bib valve.
g.     Use a ladder to access and close the Recycled Water isolation valve {tag no. 1603VL6287} which is located approximately 9 feet from the floor and is on the northwest wall of the Sludge Pump Room. The Sludge Pumps Seal Water System is now running on Industrial Water
4.     Bypass Industrial Water at the Thickened Sludge Pump Station
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Industrial Water supply pipe and hose bibat the exterior south wall of the Maintenance Building.
c.     Locate the Recycled Water hose bib downstairs at the TSPS header.  Install a female to female hose coupling to the hose bib.
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings. 
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve {tag no. 1602VLV6274}. Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water hose bib.
g.     Close the Recycled Water isolation valve {tag no. 1603VLV6274H} which is located on the interior south wall of the Thickened Sludge Pump Station. The Thickened Sludge Systems are now running on Industrial Water.  

5.     Bypass Industrial Water at the Washer/Compactor
The Washer/Compactors operate on Recycled Water.
a.     Locate the fire hose located outside of Gallery #6.
b.     Locate the Recycled Water fire hose bib at the west exterior wall of the Washer Compactor.
c.     Connect the fire hose to the Industrial Water fire hose bib and to the Recycled Water fire hose bib. 
d.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve. Allow the fire hose to fill with Industrial Water.
e.     Open the Recycled Water fire hose bib.
f.      Close the Recycled Water Main isolation valve which is located on the northwest wall of Washer/Compactor structure. The Washer/Compactors are now running on Industrial Water.  
6.     Isolate WWTP from Recycled Water Supply
Do not perform Step 6 unless Steps 1 – 5 are complete. 
a.     Locate and close the WWTP Recycled Water Distribution isolation valve {tag no. 1603VLV6321} Closing this valve only stops Recycled Water to the WWTP system.  Recycled Water users at the Golf Course, etc., are unaffected by closure of this valve {tag no. 1603VLV6321}.
Please note: If Recycled Water supplies only need to be bypassed for the Primary and Secondary systems, perform the following SOP, Steps 1 - 3:
1.     Bypass Industrial Water at Blower System
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Industrial Water supply pipe and hose bibon the northwest wall of the Blower Room.
c.     Locate the Recycled Water hose bib at the Blower skid. 
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water source hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings. 
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve. Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water hose bib valve.
g.     Close the Recycled Water isolation valve. The Blower Cooling Water System is now running on Industrial Water.

2.     Bypass Industrial Water at Sludge Pump Room
a.     Locate a rubber hose and two female to female hose couplings.
b.     Locate the Recycled Water supply pipeand hose bib on the northwest wall of the Sludge Pump Room.
c.     Locate the Industrial Water hose bib at Gallery #6. 
d.     Connect the rubber hose to the Industrial Water Source hose bib and to the Recycled Water hose bib using the couplings.  
e.     Open the Industrial Water isolation valve. Allow the rubber hose to fill with Industrial Water.
f.      Open the Recycled Water Hose bib valve.
g.     Use a ladder to access and close the Recycled Water isolation valve {tag no. 1603VL6287} which is located approximately 9 feet from the floor and is on the northwest wall of the Sludge Pump Room. The Sludge Pumps Seal Water System is now running on Industrial Water.   
3.     Bypass Industrial Water at Sludge Pump Room
a.     Locate and close the Recycle Water isolation valve to the Primary and Secondary Treatment Utilities, on the southwest wall of the Sludge Pump Room.
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports:
  • Record activity to log book.
Limits/Criteria for Data/Results
Limits/Criteria for Data/Results:

  • Uninterrupted supply of Recycled Water to the WWTP Industrial Water Systems.
Corrective Action Plan
Corrective Action Plan:
  • Repair DSPS equipment and put back online.