
16 Elutrient Pump Shutdown

The Elutrient Pumps are in operation while the Gravity Thickener is in service. Elutrient pump operation is typically controlled by SCADA.

SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
1609 - Elutrient Pump Shutdown
Health & Safety Warnings
Health & Safety Warnings:

Watch for open tanks, vaults and channels.  If working on or near equipment, watch for rotating parts. 

Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:

Operator 1, knowledge of solids handling treatment process and equipment controls.

Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure:
  • Record activity to log book.
  • Compare flow rates with the SCADA target rate.

1.     Turn of f pump control at SCADA.

a.     View the Sludge Pump Room SCADA screen.   The Elutrient Pumps are located in the bottom right corner of the screen view.

b.     Click on STOP for the pump(s) that is to be taken offline.  The pump’s “green light” should go out.


2.     Turn off the pump(s) at the Local Control Panel.

a.     Turn the HOA Switch {tag nos. 1609HS6100B & 1609HS6200B} to the OFF position.

b.     Monitor pump status at the HMI screen.  The screen should indicate that there is no flow being pumped through the Elutrient Water system.

c.     Follow the Lock Out/Tag Out procedure for the pump(s) being taken offline. Click here for a copy of the procedure.


3.     Verify Suction and Discharge Valve Status.

a.     Close the suction isolation valve for the pump(s) being taken offline {tag nos. 1609VLV6100 & 1609VLV6200}.

b.     Close the discharge isolation valve for the pump(s) being taken offline {tag nos. 1609VLV6100B & 1609VLV6200B}.


4.     Observe Elutrient Pump Operation:

a.     Listen for excessive noise or vibration.

b.     Check for oil or process fluid leaks.


5.     Record Data to Operator’s Log Book:  Record Elutrient Pump activities to the log book with other entries for the day.  Include the following in the entry:

·         Operator(s) that performed the Elutrient Pump SOP.

·         Note condition of equipment, piping, valves, etc.

·         Note any unusual conditions with flows, levels, odors or other process issues.

·         Note any damage, wear, or required maintenance on equipment.

Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports:
  • Update log book.
  • Update maintenance records (if applicable).
  • Report any maintenance or attention that is required.



Elutrient Pump No. 1


Elutrient Pump No. 1 Motor


Elutrient Pump No. 1 Suction Pressure Gauge


Elutrient Pump No. 1 Discharge Pressure Gauge


Elutrient Pump No. 1 Check Valve


Elutrient Pump No. 2


Elutrient Pump No. 2 Motor


Elutrient Pump No. 2 Suction Pressure Gauge


Elutrient Pump No. 2 Discharge Pressure Gauge


Elutrient Pump No. 2 Check Valve
