15 Liquid Polymer Pumps Start Up
Watch for open tanks and high elevations. If working on or near equipment, watch for rotating parts.
Loss of polymer will impact flocculation of dewatering process
Operator I, knowledge of dewatering process and equipment controls.
Portable mixer for polymer tote and access to electrical outlet.
- Record activity to log book.
The Liquid Polymer System is typically used only when the Dry Polymer System is out of service. Liquid polymer is fed by one variable speed feed pump {tag no. 1507PMP/MTR/VFD5600} – there is no standby liquid polymer pump. 1. Open Industrial Water Supply. a. Locate and open the Industrial Water valve {tag no. 1507VLV5395} on the suction side of the Liquid Polymer System. This unmarked valve is located on a vertical Industrial Water pipe on the north interior wall of the Dewatering Building. 2. Open Suction Valves a. Open the Polymer Tote Valve {tag no. 1507VLV5600} 3. Open Discharge Valve a. Open the discharge valve {tag no. 1507VLV5724 & 1507VLV5724C} associated with the Belt Filter Press that is currently in operation. These unmarked valves are located on vertical pipes located on the north interior wall of the Dewatering Building. The pipes are labeled “BP #1” and “BP#2”. 4. Mix Polymer a. Install the Portable Polymer Mixer {tag no. 1507MXR5694} in tote and plug into the nearest electrical outlet. 5. Start Liquid Polymer Feed Pump. a. Locate the Liquid Polymer Feed Pump Controller {tag no. 1507LCP5723} and plug into the nearest electrical outlet. b. Turn the HOA switch {tag no. 1507HS5723} to ON. This will activate the solenoid and begin to pull water. c. Adjust the pump speed {tag no. 1507HS5723B}. The typical setting is 55 Hz. Observe condition of dewatered sludge and make further adjustments to the pump speed if necessary. |
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance or attention that is required.
Liquid Polymer Pump | 1507PMP5600 |
Liquid Polymer Pump Motor | 1507MTR5600 |
Liquid Polymer Pump Variable Frequency Drive | 1507VFD5600 |
Liquid Polymer Pump Controller | 1507LCP5723 |
Liquid Polymer Pump HOA Switch | 1507HS5723 |
Liquid Polymer Pump Speed Switch | 1507HS5723B |
Industrial Water Valve | 1507VLV5395 |
Discharge Valve | 1507VLV5724 |
Discharge Valve | 1507VLV5724C |
Polymer Tote Valve | 1507VLV5600 |
Portable Polymer Mixer | 1507MXR5694 |