15 Dry Polymer Pumps Shutdown
It should be noted that the Liquid Polymer system is the primary system. The Dry Polymer is used for back up purposes and for the DAFT system only.
The Polymer Feed Pumps are typically run under automatic control from the Belt Filter Press local control panel. One pump is in operation while the other is on standby. Polymer Pump operation is rotated each month at the same as the Belt Filter Press rotation. Under normal conditions, the polymer feed pumps are taken offline at the end of the swing shift when the dewatering system is taken offline. The polymer pumps automatically start when the dewatering system is started each day.
Watch for open tanks and high elevations. If working on or near equipment, watch for rotating parts.
- Loss of polymer will impact flocculation of dewatering process.
- Record activity to log book.
The Polymer Feed Pumps are typically run under automatic control from the Belt Filter Press local control panel. One pump is in operation while the other is on standby. Polymer Pump operation is rotated each month at the same as the Belt Filter Press rotation. Under normal conditions, the polymer feed pumps are taken offline at the end of the swing shift when the dewatering system is taken offline. The polymer pumps automatically start when the dewatering system is started each day.
This SOP is only necessary if the polymer pumps are being taken out of service.
If the Dry Polymer System is offline, the backup Liquid Polymer System must be brought on line for dewatering. See the Liquid Polymer Start Up SOP for instructions.
1. Stop Polymer Pumps {tag nos. 1507PMP/MTR/VFD5300 & 1505PMP/MTR/VFD5400}.
This SOP can be skipped if the Belt Press Filter has been running normally and is under AUTO control. This SOP must be performed if the polymer pumps are to be taken out of service.
a. Locate the Dry Polymer Local Control Panel {tag no. 1507LCP5722}.
b. Turn the HOA switches {tag nos. 1507HS5300A & 1507HS5400A} to the OFF position
c. Flip the breaker switch {tag no. 1507SWI5722} to OFF.
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance or attention that is required.
Dry Polymer Pump No. 1 | 1507PMP5300 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 1 Motor | 1507MTR5300 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 1 VFD | 1507VFD5300 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 1 HOA Switch | 1507HS5300A |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 2 | 1507PMP5400 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 2 Motor | 1507MTR5400 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 2 VFD | 1507VFD5400 |
Dry Polymer Pump No. 2 HOA Switch | 1507HS5400A |
Dry Polymer Local Control Panel | 1507LCP5722 |
Dry Polymer Breaker Switch | 1507SWI5722 |