14 DPS Start Up
The Distribution Pump Station is equipped with 2 variable speed pumps {tag nos. 1404PMP/MTR/VFD4100 & 1404PMP/MTR/VFD4200} and 3 constant speed pumps {tag nos. 1404PMP/MTR4300, 1404PMP/MTR4400 & 1404PMP/MTR4500}. Lead/ lag pump assignment is rotated each month. If pump rotation is changed outside of the normal monthly schedule, the operator must ensure that the system is not running the Water Reclamation Phase II Reservoir (Golf Course) and that distribution flows are not high.
During normal operation, the Reclaimed Water system operates at 120psi, which corresponds to a Surge Tank Water level of 26 inches. The Surge Tank water levels indirectly control pump operation.
The Distribution Pump Station transports filtered and disinfected water from the Reclamation Phase II Reservoir to the Golf Course for irrigation.
- DPS: Distribution Pump Station
- Ensure that timing of the SOP does not interfer with the current Reclaimed Water demand and distribution.
- Frequent switching on and off of variable speed pumps can damage the VFDs.
- The Equipment List/Tag No. List describes the Reclaimed Water System as the "Recycle Water System".
- If pump rotation is changed outside of the normal monthly schedule, the operator must ensure that the system is not running the Water Reclamation Phase II Reservoir (Golf Course) and that distribution flows are not high.
- Operator I
- Knowledge of Distribution Pump Station System
- Knowledge of Reclamation Phase II System
- Knowledge of SCADA controls
- Verify correct status of all valves.
- Verify system pressure and/or Surge Tank water level.
1. Select lead pumps.
a. Locate the Variable Speed Pump Lead/Lag Switch {tag no. 1404HS4521} and switch to the designated lead pump.
b. Locate the Constant Speed Pump Lead/Lag Switch {tag no. 1404HS4521A} and switch to the designated lead pump.
2. Locate Prepare valves for pump operation. Perform Steps 2.a – 2.f for each of the five pumps. All valves should be open.
a. Locate the suction valve {tag nos. 1404VLV4100, 1404VLV4200, 1404VLV4300, 1404VLV4400 & 1404VLV4500}. Open the valve if it is not already open.
b. Locate the suction pressure gauge valve {tag nos. 1404PI4100, 1404PI4200, 1404PI4300, 1404PI4400 & 1404PI4500}. Open the gauge if it is not already open.
c. Locate the discharge pressure gauge {tag nos. 1404PI4100A, 1404PI4200A, 1404PI4300A, 1404PI4400A & 1404PI4500A}. Open the gauge if it is not already open.
d. Locate the pressure release valve {tag nos. 1404PRV4100, 1404PRV4200, 1404PRV4300, 1404PRV4400 & 1404PRV4500}. Open the valve if it is not already open. This is important because it will keep the pump can fully flooded during pump start up.
e. Locate the discharge pressure release valve {tag nos. 1404PRV4100A, 1404PRV4200A, 1404PRV4300A, 1404PRV4400A & 1404PRV4500A}. Open the valve if it is not already open.
f. Locate the pressure release valve {tag nos. 1404PRV4100A, 1404PRV4200A, 1404PRV4300A, 1404PRV4400A & 1404PRV4500A}. Open the valve if it is not already open.
g. Locate the discharge valve {tag nos. 1404VLV4100A, 1404VLV4200A, 1404VLV4300A, 1404VLV4400A & 1404VLV4500A}. Open the valve if it is not already open.
3. Start Constant Speed Pumps. Perform step 3.a for each of the three constant speed pumps.
a. Locate the ON/OFF/AUTO switch {tag nos. 1404HS4300E, 1404HS4400E & 1404HS4500E} and turn to ON. This will immediately start the pump.
4. Start Variable Speed Pumps (Automatic Control). Perform steps 4.a – 4.d for each of the two variable speed pumps. Skip to step 5 is the pumps are to be run in manual control.
a. Locate the VFD Power Switch {tag nos. 1404HS4100C & 1404HS4200C} and turn to the ON position.
b. Locate the Pump HOA Switch {tag nos. 1404HS4100 & 1404HS4200} and turn to the AUTO position.
c. Locate the Pump Power Light {tag nos. 1404YL4100B & 1404YL4200B} and verify that is it on.
d. Locate the Pump Running Light {tag nos. 1404YL4100C & 1404YL4200C} and verify that it is on while the pump is in operation.
5. Start Variable Speed Pumps (Manual Control). Perform steps 5.a – 5.e for each of the two variable speed pumps.
a. Locate the VFD Power Switch {tag nos. 1404HS4100C & 1404HS4200C} and turn to the ON position.
b. Locate the Pump HOA Switch {tag nos. 1404HS4100 & 1404HS4200} and turn to the HAND position.
c. Locate the HMI Panel {tag nos. 1404HMI4100 & 1404HMI4200} and start pump operation from the keypad.
d. Locate the Pump Power Light {tag nos. 1404YL4100B & 1404YL4200B} and verify that is it on.
e. Locate the Pump Running Light {tag nos. 1404YL4100C & 1404YL4200C} and verify that it is on while the pump is in operation.
6. Observe DSPS Pump Operation:
a. Listen for excessive noise or vibration.
b. Check for oil or process fluid leaks.
7. Record Data to Operator’s Log Book: Record DSPS Pump Activities to the log book with other entries for the day. Include the following in the entry:
· Operator(s) that performed the DSPS Pump SOP.
· Note condition of equipment, piping, valves, etc.
· Note any unusual conditions with flows, levels, odors or other process issues.
· Note any damage, wear, or required maintenance on equipment.
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance or attention that is required.
- Demand for the Reclamation Water System is unaffected by performing this SOP.
- System pressures is maintained at 120 psi.
If demand for the Golf Course irrigation cannot be met, notify Water Distribution of the situation.