12 Blower (Turblex) Start Up
The Secondary Aeration System is equipped with three blowers:
- Two Roots blowers (normal operation)
- One Turblex blower
The Turblex blower does not have the required output for normal operation, but can be used when one of the Roots blower is offline for maintenance. Operation of the Turblex blower is not a condition of normal operation.
The blowers provide forced air to the aeration basin grid system in the Aeration Basins for the activated sludge process.
- DO: Dissolved oxygen.
The Turblex Blower must be run at over 90%, however, an over amperage condition will occur if the Turblex Blower is run at 100%.
Improper air balancing in the forced air distribution system. Click here for the Air Balancing SOP.
Operator 1, knowledge of secondary treatment and equipment controls.
- Record activity to log book.
- Monitor air flow to the aeration basins.
a. Locate the Suction Isolation Valve {tag no.1202VLV2871}. Open the valve if it is not already open. b. Locate the Discharge Valve {tag no.1202VLV2871A}. Open the valve if it is not already open. c. Locate the Bypass Valve {tag no. 1202VLV2871}. Close the valve if it is not already closed. 2. Start Blower : a. Locate Local Control Panel power switch {tag no. 1202SWI2871A}. Flip the switch to the LOCAL setting. b. Locate the Main Control Panel power switch {tag no. 1202SWI2871A}. Flip the switch to the LOCAL setting. c. Start the blower by pushing the Start Button {tag no.1202SWI2871A} on the HMI. The system will automatically run through a pre-lube checklist before the blower actually starts. d. Locate the control speed switches {tag nos. 1202ZSO/ZSC2873} and adjust the Guide Vane {tag no. 1202VME2873} position. 3. Observe Blower Operation : a. Listen for excessive noise or vibration. b. Check for leaks. 4. Record Blower Start Up Activities to the log book with other entries for the day. Include the following in the entry: · Operator(s) that performed the Blower Start Up SOP. · Note condition of equipment, piping, valves, etc. · Note any unusual conditions with or other process issues. · Note any damage, wear, or required maintenance on equipment. |
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance or attention that is required.
- Constant air flow provided to the aeration diffuser grid system.
- Consistent DO concentration in the aeration basins.