
12 Air Balancing

Air flow to the aeration basin grid system is distributed via a common airline that is equipped with isolation valves.  The Operator adjusts dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the aeration basins by adjusting air flow via the position of the Rotork isolation valves. The aeration basin DO,  air flow, and Rotork valve position can be viewed from the SCADA screen. 

SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
1202 - Air Balancing
Purpose and scope
Purpose and scope:

To provide oxygen at levels required for the activated sludge process.

  • DO:  Dissolved Oxygen
Health & Safety Warnings
Health & Safety Warnings:
  • Ladder safety
  • Ensure that DO sensors and transmitters are calibrated and properly installed.
  • Ensure that aeration diffusers are operational and air flow is uniform thought out basin(s). Observe water surface during daily rounds.
Potential Interferences
Potential Interferences:
  • Adjustments to air flow at one aeration basin may effect air flow at another aeration basin.  DO levels in all aeration basins must be monitored while making adjustments.
Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:

Operator 1, knowledge of air flow system and equipment controls.

Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools
Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools:
  • Ladder (to access Rotork handwheels located approximately 6' above the floor)
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure:
  • Record activity to log book.

Valve adjustments are an iterative process – an adjustment to increase air flow to one aeration basin may lower the air flow to another aeration basin.  Initial adjustments are at the Operator’s discretion. The Operator must monitor DO levels via the SCADA screen until the target DO levels are reached throughout the aeration system.

1.     Adjust Rotork valve air flow :

The Rotork valves are typically adjusted via electronic control, as described below.  The valves can also be adjusted manually be turning the handwheel for that valve.  The Rotork controls are located approximately 6 ft from the floor in the air piping corridor of the Secondary Process Building basement.

a.     Determine which Rotork valve must be manipulated in order to adjust air flow to the target aeration basin {tag nos. 1202VLV2237(aeration basins #1 & #2), 1202VLV2239 (aeration basins #3 & #4), 1202VLV2241 (aeration basin #5)}.    

b.     Use a ladder to access the local Rotork controls.  Place the selector switch into the HAND control mode.

c.     Adjust the valve position by turning the black knob and viewing the position display on the screen.  The valve position is typically displayed as a percentage open.

d.     Place the selector switch into the STOP position.

e.     Monitor DO levels {tag nos.1202AE/AIT2481, 1202AE/AIT2482, 1202AE/AIT2483, 1202AE/AIT2484, 1202AE/AIT2485} and air flow rates {tag nos. 1202FE/FIT2238 (aeration basins #1 & #2), 1202FE/FIT2240 (aeration basins #3 & #4), 1202FE/FIT2442 (aeration basin #5)}at the SCADA screen.  Make further adjustments as required to reach the target DO levels.

Limits/Criteria for Data/Results
Limits/Criteria for Data/Results:

DO ranges should normally range between 1.0 - 3.0 mg/l, with 1.0 mg/l being a minimum value.

Corrective Action Plan
Corrective Action Plan:

Adjusting and correcting DO levels in the aerations basins is an iterative process. 





Rotork Valve – Aeration Basins #1 & #2


Rotork Valve – Aeration Basins #3 & #4


Rotork Valve – Aeration Basins #5


DO Sensor and Transmitter- Aeration Basin #1


DO Sensor and Transmitter- Aeration Basin #2


DO Sensor and Transmitter- Aeration Basin #3


DO Sensor and Transmitter- Aeration Basin #4


DO Sensor and Transmitter- Aeration Basin #5


Air Flow Sensor and Transmitter – Aeration Basins #1 & #2


Air Flow Sensor and Transmitter – Aeration Basins #3 & #4


Air Flow Sensor and Transmitter – Aeration Basins #5
