11 Primary Clarifier Normal Operation
Operators routinely check for normal operation of the Primary Clarifier equipment during daily rounds, at least 2 times per 24 hour period. The operator may vary the sequence of inspections.
SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
Purpose and scope
Purpose and scope:
The number of clarifiers in service will generally depend on flow volume and process conditions.
Health & Safety Warnings
Health & Safety Warnings:
- Watch for open tanks, vaults and channels when covers are removed. Install cones at opening if covers are to remain off.
Indications of Abnormal Service include:
- Excessive noise or vibration
- Oil or process fluid leaks
- Chain or flight not working
- Lead pump not working
- Lead pump not working
- Excessive floating material
- SCADA alarms
Potential Interferences
Potential Interferences:
- Equipment failure may not immediately affect treatment. Routine inspections to ensure normal operation is critical to maintaiing effective treatment.
Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:
- Operator I, knowledge of primary treatment process and SCADA controls.
Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools
Equipment, Supplies, Required Tools:
- Valve keys or other tool to open and close valves.
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Activities for the Procedure:
- Record activity to log book.
Steps 1 – 3 take place “upstairs” at the Primary Clarifier Deck.
1. Inspect each Sludge Collector Drive that is in operation:
a. Check for rotation of the collector drive chain.
b. Check for rotation of the idler sprocket and engagement with the collector drive chain.
c. Look for spilled or leaking oil around and on the drive unit.
d. Look for excessive vibration and listen for abnormal noise at the collector drive unit.
2. Inspect each Clarifier that is in operation:
a. Lift aluminum primary clarifier tank cover. Ensure that flight is moving smoothly.
b. Look for excessive floating material in the clarifier tank. If present, note if floating material is in clumps or a dispersed accumulation.
c. Look for the formation of gas bubbles.
d. Look for floating scum
e. Look for unusual colors or odors.
f. Monitor sludge blanket.
g. Monitor clarifier surface loading.
h. Replace aluminum clarifier tank cover.
i. Monitor the distribution of overall flow to all clarifiers that are in service.
j. Look for solids loss in effluent.
3. Inspect each Scum Collector Drive and Vault that is in operation:
a. Lift aluminum cover to scum collector roller vault.
b. Switch operation at the scum collector drive pushbutton switch to HAND control.
c. Watch for rotation of collector roller to confirm that unit is in operation.
d. Check for excessive scum build up.
e. Check that jaw clutch is engaged to the in-service primary clarifier unit.
f. Check that jaw clutch is disengaged from the out-of-service primary clarifier.
g. Switch operation at the scum collector drive pushbutton switch back to AUTO control.
h. Replace aluminum cover to scum collector roller vault.
Steps 4 - 5 take place “downstairs” at Gallery #2.
4. Inspect sludge piping and valves:
a. Verify that actuated Rotork valves are in AUTO control. Adjust at the local switch if necessary.
b. Check for leaks at piping and valves. Primary sludge piping is grey and located above the drain piping. Drain piping is white and located below the primary sludge piping.
c. Verify open valves to the in-service clarifier tank(s). Each tank is equipped with two valves.
d. Verify closed valves to the out-of-service clarifier tank(s). Each tank is equipped with two valves.
5. Inspect Primary Sludge Pumps:
a. Check that lead sludge pump is in-service.
b. Check that lag sludge pump is out-of-service.
c. Check for leaks, excessive noise and vibration at the in-service pump.
Step 6 takes place at any available SCADA workstation.
6. Confirm Remote Control at SCADA workstation:
a. Login and go to Primary Sludge Automated Control System screen.
b. Verify that control indicators correspond correctly to in-service and out-of-service primary sludge collector(s) and primary scum collector(s)
c. Verify that open/closed valve indicators correspond correctly to in-service and out-of-service primary clarifiers.
d. Verify that lead and lag pump control indicators correspond correctly to in-service and out-of-service pumps.
Step 7 takes place in the Operator’s Office
7. Record Data to Operator’s Log Book: Record primary clarifier shutdown activities to the log book with other entries for the day. Include the following in the entry:
a. Operator(s) that performed the Clarifier Normal Operation SOP.
b. Which clarifier(s) is in service.
c. Note conditions of clarifier, sludge collector drive and mechanism, and scum collector drive in service.
d. Note conditions of the actuated valves, sludge piping, and primary sludge pumps.
e. Note the approximate time that the SOP was completed.
f. Note any unusual conditions with flows, levels, odors or other process issues.
g. Note any damage, wear, or required maintenance on equipment.
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports
Data & Records Management, Calculations, Forms, Reports:
- Update log book.
- Update maintenance records (if applicable).
- Report any maintenance of attention that is required.
- Collect and analyze samples, if necessary.
Limits/Criteria for Data/Results
Limits/Criteria for Data/Results:
- Consistent treatment during operation.
Corrective Action Plan
Corrective Action Plan:
If a problem or abnormal service is indicated, take the associated equipment off-line as described in the Primary Clarifier - Shutdown SOP. Also, refer to the Primary Clarifier - Abnormal Service SOP and refer to SCADAlarm Procedures.
Clarifier #1 & #2 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1181B |
Clarifier #2 & #3 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1182B |
Clarifier #3 & #4 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1183B |
Clarifier #4 & #5 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1184B |
Clarifier #5 & #2 Slide Gate | 1101VLV1185B |
Primary Clarifier #1 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1181 |
Primary Clarifier #1 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1181A |
Primary Clarifier #2 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1182 |
Primary Clarifier #2 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1182A |
Primary Clarifier #3 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1183 |
Primary Clarifier #3 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1183A |
Primary Clarifier #4 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1184 |
Primary Clarifier #4 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1184A |
Primary Clarifier #5 Channel Influent Valve South | 1101VLV1185 |
Primary Clarifier #5 Channel Influent Valve North | 1101VLV1185A |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #1 | 1101MTR1721 |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #2 & #3 | 1101MTR1722 |
Primary Clarifier Sludge Collector Drive #4 & #5 | 1101MTR1723 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #1 | 1101MTR1724 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #2 & #3 | 1101MTR1725 |
Primary Clarifier Scum Collector Drive #4 & #5 | 1101GBX1726 |
Clarifier #1 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677 |
Clarifier #1 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677A |
Clarifier #2 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677B |
Clarifier #2 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677C |
Clarifier #3 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677D |
Clarifier #3 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677E |
Clarifier #4 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677F |
Clarifier #4 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677G |
Clarifier #5 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677H |
Clarifier #5 Actuated Valve – Sludge Transfer | 1102OPS1677I |
Clarifier #1 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679 |
Clarifier #1 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679A |
Clarifier #2 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679B |
Clarifier #2 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679C |
Clarifier #3 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679D |
Clarifier #3 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679E |
Clarifier #4 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679F |
Clarifier #4 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679G |
Clarifier #5 – South Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679H |
Clarifier #5 – North Drain Plug Valve | 1102VLV1679I |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 | 1102PMP1100 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Suction Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1100 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Discharge Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1100A |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Suction Drain Valve | 1102VLV1679J |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #1 – Discharge Drain Valve | 1102VLV1100D |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 | 1102PMP1200 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Suction Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1200 |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Discharge Transfer Valve | 1102VLV1200A |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Suction Drain Valve | 1102VLV1679K |
Primary Sludge Transfer Pump #2 – Discharge Drain Valve | 1102VLV1200D |