
1 Medical Emergency

An industrial injury refers to a bodily injury by accident arising out of, and in the course of employment, and includes an injury caused by the willful act of a third person directed against employees because of their employment.  Treatment for these injuries is outlined below and each department shall ensure compliance.

SOP Identification Number
SOP Identification Number:
1 Medical Emergency
Health & Safety Warnings
Health & Safety Warnings:

For all serious emergencies requiring immediate treatment, transportation, or both, dial 911.

Personnel Qualifications
Personnel Qualifications:

If qualified, administer First Aid as necessary until help arrives.


Emergency Medical Treatment:  Life threatening injuries requiring immediate emergency treatment, such as profuse bleeding, unconsciousness, shock, etc. shall warrant emergency treatment. 

  1. Call 911.  Calmly  report the location of the injured person and the nature of their injuries.  Follow instructions provided by the 911 dispatch operator. If qualified, administer First Aid as necessary until help arrives.
  2. First responders shall transport the injured person to the nearest hospital. Full emergency treatment may be obtained on a twenty-four-- (24) hour basis at the following hospitals. The facility nearest the accident scene shall be used:

                    Cottage Hospital Pueblo at Bath Streets Santa Barbara, CA (805) 569-7210
                    Goleta Valley Hospital 351 S. Patterson Avenue Goleta, CA (805) 681-6420  

  1. Advise the hospital emergency room personnel of the nature of injuries of the patient being sent to them.  This can be done by telephone or, if possible, through City Communications Center by radio. 
  2. Report any injuries/fatalities within this emergency category by telephone to Risk Management during duty hours immediately after the emergency is under control, or at the beginning of normal duty the next morning. Provide the name of the victim, when, how, and where the accident occurred, and the nature of the condition causing the accident.  (This does not eliminate the need for written reports described in Chapter 3 of the IIPP Manual.) 
  3. Report fatalities and serious injuries to Cal/OSHA. Refer to Chapter 3; paragraph V, on page 17 of the IIPP Manual for further instructions.

Chapter 5 of the IIPP Manual.